Training NameTraining/Module NumberDescription/SynopsisTypeSegmentPresenter Key GoalsParticipant Key ObjectivesNotesDepthTopicLevelBrandingLanguargeRecommended For Sales TeamsRecommended For Service TeamsDoes this require a pre-requisite?Is this a prerequisite for another course?Participation TypeDurationPrerequisite(s) RequiredCall To ActionImagehf:tax:training_typehf:tax:training_segmenthf:tax:topichf:tax:training_levelhf:tax:brandinghf:tax:training_languagehf:tax:recommended_saleshf:tax:recommended_servicehf:tax:training_participation_typehf:tax:training_duration
What Makes it EX? Maintenance and Identifying Failures – Guidelines and ConcernsM_EX.P.M.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on general guidelines when servicing and maintaining RICO EX trucks as well as educating on failures that can occur and how to identify them.

1. Review general guidelines to follow when servicing and maintaining RICO EX trucks.
2. Review what replacement parts are ok to use when servicing RICO EX units.
3. Review general failures that can occur with components on RICO EX equipment and how to identify these failures.
4. Review precautions technicians can make when servicing EX trucks to ensure components critical to safety are not damaged.

1. Will display a strong knowledge of general do's and don'ts when servicing or maintaining EX trucks . 2. Ability to identify where replacement parts should come from and why it's so important they are the same as the part that was replaced. 3. Ability to communicate an association between components and their common failures, as well as how to test and identify these failures. 4. Able to convey good habits associated with working with components critical to protecting operators in hazardous environments.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes, , M_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? Maintenance and Identifying Failures - Guidelines and Concerns
moduleexplosion-proofm-maintenance-repair200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionaly-yeslive self-driven virtual10-20-minutes
How We Communicate – the Milestone Communication MapM_CO.P.G.104.R.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Communication Milestone Map - How and when do we communicate.

1. Module will present the overview of the RICO® communication milestone map process.
2. Module will identify each key milestone, the team responsible, timing, questions answered, and deliverables for each.

1. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the milestone map process for communication.
2. Participants will be able to effectively explain each key milestone, identify the RICO team who will be communicating, the timing and deliverables at each milestone.
3. Participants will be able to identify the RICO team or team member to approach with questions at each step of the communication map.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
How We Communicate - the Milestone Communication Map
What Makes it EX? – Testing, Approval, and MarkingsM_EX.P.S.202.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the testing and approval process RICO uses to obtain EX classification on our trucks.This module will also educate on the various markings found on our EX units and what they mean.

1. Review testing methods used to determine if a RICO EX truck meets expectations set by NRTL, meaning it is safe for use in hazardous environments.
2. Review who RICO uses for 3rd party testing and what approval means for servicing a EX truck. 3. Review markings found on any RICO EX unit.

1. Ability to communicate a general understanding of testing methods used to determine if a RICO EX truck is safe for use in hazardous environments.
2. Able to communicate what EX approval means when replacing parts and servicing the truck. 3. Participant will be able to give explanations on what each of the markings mean and what type of importance these markings have on EX compliancy.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.E, M_EX.P.S.201.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Testing, Approval, and Markings
What Makes it EX? – Protection Methods – Batteries and Battery ConnectorsM_EX.P.S.203.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the various types of batteries and battery connectors they can come across when operating and servicing RICO EX trucks as well as taking a deeper look into the protection methods used to keep these components safe for use in hazardous environments.

1. Review different types of EX approved batteries RICO uses.
2. Review protection methods used to ensure safe use of each battery and rules that must be followed when charging batteries.
3. Identify different battery connectors used across RICO EX models.
4. Review structure of battery connectors to understand operation and how power is distributed into the truck.

1. Participant will be able to identify different EX batteries used on RICO EX trucks as well as describing the protection methods and operational requirements that must be met to transfer power from the battery to the truck.
2. Ability to convey strict rules that must be followed when charging and maintaining a battery approved for use in hazardous environments.
3. Ability to identify different battery connectors and explain how each on passes power from the battery to the trucks electrical system.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.E, M_EX.P.S.201.T.E, M_EX.P.S.202.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Protection Methods - Batteries and Battery Connectors
What Makes it EX? – Protection Methods – Hazardous Wiring, Sealing, and Intrinsic SafetyM_EX.P.S.204.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on wiring that is considered hazardous and what wiring is considered safe in EX environments and what protection methods and components are used to ensure safe power transfer throughout a RICO EX truck.

1. Review what makes hazardous wiring dangerous and the need for protections when routing around a truck.
2. Review different types of cables and conduits and the advantages they provide when being used to route hazardous wiring.
3. Review structure of cables and conduits used to have deeper understanding of how to inspect and service them.
4. Review intrinsic safety and its definition for a deeper understanding of its importance and use in hazardous environments.
5. Review intrinsically safe components and how these components allow operators to control hazardous components and their power.

1. Able to communicate what makes hazardous wiring hazardous and why it can't be left exposed in environments that require EX trucks.
2. Ability to identify different types of cables and conduits used to enclosure hazardous wring as well as explain what characteristics of them make them ideal for use on RICO EX trucks.
3. Can communicate structure of various conduits and cables used to identify and have a deeper understanding of failures that can occur and how to inspect for those.
4. Participant will be able what intrinsically safe means and explain its importance for EX equipment being used in hazardous environments.
5. Will be able to convey a generalized understanding of intrinsically safe components dictation over hazardous wiring and components on the truck.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.E, M_EX.P.S.201.T.E, M_EX.P.S.202.T.E, M_EX.P.S.203.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Protection Methods - Hazardous Wiring, Sealing, and Intrinsic Safety
RICO® Pegasus® SP TrucksM_HC.P.G.202.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Pegasus® SP trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_HC.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_HC.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Pegasus® SP Trucks
RICO® Vehicle MoversM_SP.P.G.203.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Vehicle Movers trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Vehicle Movers
RICO® Furnace LoadersM_SP.P.G.204.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Furnace Loader trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Furnace Loaders
RICO® Tow Tractor and Lift Tow TrucksM_SP.P.G.205.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Tow Tractor and Lift Tow trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Tow Tractor and Lift Tow Trucks
RICO® Pallet TrucksM_SP.P.G.206.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Pallet trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Pallet Trucks
RICO® Platform TrucksM_SP.P.G.207.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Platform trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Platform Trucks
RICO® Straddle and Reach TrucksM_SP.P.G.208.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Straddle and Reach trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Straddle and Reach Trucks
RICO® Roll and Coil Handling TrucksM_SP.P.G.209.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Specialty Roll and Coil Handling trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_SP.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Roll and Coil Handling Trucks
EX Training – What Makes it EX?C_EX.P.S.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on standards and expectations pertaining to the compliancy of RICO EX units. This includes but is not limited to reviews of components, assemblies, maintenance procedures, etc.

1. Presenter will review standards related to obtaining EX approval.
2. Presenter will identify and explain protection methods used to protect operators from dangers certain components pose in hazardous environments.
3. Presenter will identify components critical to the EX nature of the truck.
4. Presenter will identify and explain common failures that could lead to hazardous conditions and remove the truck from EX compliancy.

1. Participants will be able to identify entities used to obtain standards and guidelines relating to the EX nature of the truck.
2. Participants will demonstrate the ability to identify components critical to maintaining compliancy of the EX trucks RICO builds.
3. Participants will have an understanding and aptitude for servicing EX trucks as well as the do's and don'ts when working on EX trucks.
4. Participants will demonstrate the ability to identify failures that could cause a EX truck to lose it's compliancy as well as understanding how these failures can lead even worse consequences should the failure not be identified or neglected.

This course is intended as a presenter-led course and covers curriculum content for the complete EX.P.G.100 series and EX.P.G.200 series modules. If this course is taken, the modules are not required.
This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes, Schedule Trainingcourseexplosion-proofs-systems-components200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionaly-yeslive virtual1-2-hours
RICO® Pegasus® ELITE TrucksM_HC.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Pegasus® ELITE trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_HC.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_HC.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Pegasus® ELITE Trucks
How It’s Made – the RICO® ProcessM_CO.P.G.103.R.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Process - How our products are made.

1. Module will identify the core processes all RICO® products follow from design to installation.
2. Module will review the key value propositions for these processes for dealers in a partnership with RICO®.
3. Module will review the key value propositions for these processes RICO® provides to customers and manufacturers.

1. Participants will be able to communicate the core processes of RICO® product development to customers.
2. Participants will be able to communicate the key value propositions of these processes with dealer sales and service teams.
3. Participants will be able to communicate the key value propositions of RICO® processes as they benefit customers.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
How It's Made - the RICO® Process
What Makes it EX? – Protection Methods – Enclosures, Drains, and BreathersM_EX.P.S.205.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on enclosures used to house different components on RICO EX trucks and how drains and breathers are utilized to keep enclosures safe.

1. Review the need for a component to be housed inside of an EX approved enclosure.
2. Review hazardous locations RICO EX enclosures are approved for use in.
3. Review the different types of enclosures used for different components on the truck.
4. Review breathers and what impact they have on an enclosure.
5. Review drains and what impact they have on an enclosure.

1. Ability to communicate the types of components that require an enclosure and the importance of the enclosure to the safety of the operator and technicians who work with the truck.
2. Ability to list the hazardous locations RICO EX enclosures are approved for use in.
3. Ability to list the two types of enclosures RICO produces as well as find common association between different types of enclosures and components used on the truck.
4. Participant can relay the importance of having a breather on an enclosure as well as having a general idea of the consequences that can incur from the failure of this component.
5. Participant can relay the importance of having a drain on an enclosure as well as having a general idea of the consequences that can incur from the failure of this component.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, , M_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.E, M_EX.P.S.201.T.E, M_EX.P.S.202.T.E, M_EX.P.S.203.T.E, M_EX.P.S.204.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Protection Methods - Enclosures, Drains, and Breathers
moduleexplosion-proofs-systems-components200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionaly-yeslive self-driven virtual10-20-minutes
What Makes it EX? – Protection Methods – Flame Paths and Consequences of a Damaged Flame PathM_EX.P.S.206.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on what a flame path is, how they are utilized and consequences that could happen if a flame path is damaged.

1. Review threaded flame paths, their requirements, and how they protect operators during an internal explosion.
2. Review joint surface flame paths, their requirements, and how they protect operators during an internal explosion.
3. Review consequences of a damaged flame path slide's provided video to see what can happen if a joint surface or threaded flame path are damaged.

1. Participant is able to communicate what a threaded flame path is, what it does, and the requirements to keeping this flame path maintained.
2. Ability to display a generalized knowledge of the components that utilize threaded flame paths as well as understanding how to identify them.
3. Participant is able to communicate what a joint surface flame path is, what it does, and the requirements to keeping this flame path maintained.
4. Ability to display a generalized knowledge fo the components that utilize joint surface flame paths as well as understanding how to identify them.
5. Ability to communicate why an explosion occurred in the hazardous environment surrounding the enclosure when the enclosure was meant to contain it.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, , M_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.E, M_EX.P.S.201.T.E, M_EX.P.S.202.T.E, M_EX.P.S.203.T.E, M_EX.P.S.204.T.E, M_EX.P.S.205.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Protection Methods - Flame Paths and Consequences of a Damaged Flame Path
moduleexplosion-proofs-systems-components200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionaly-yeslive self-driven virtual10-20-minutes
What Makes it EX? – Protection Methods – Static Conductive Components and Protection Against Mechanical SparksM_EX.P.S.207.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants about components on RICO EX trucks that are static conductive and how they protect operators. This training will also cover protections on the truck that prevent mechanical sparking in hazardous environments.

1. Review what a static conductive component does for an EX truck as well as identifying different components that can be static conductive.
2. Review requirements for EX trucks to have a static conductive components and what restrictions apply to this requirement.
3. Review what components on the truck are modified or added to protect the truck from producing mechanical sparks.
4. Review how portions of the truck are determined to need protection against mechanical sparks and the common materials used to protect them.

1. Ability to communicate what a static conductive component does to protect operators as well as showing a general understanding of what components on a RICO EX truck are static conductive.
2. Ability to convey the requirements for static conductive components on RICO EX trucks and the restrictions that apply to the components that can be used on them.
3. Ability to identify components that are used to protect the truck against mechanical sparks.
4. Ability to convey how portions of the truck are determined to protection against mechanical sparks and ability to identify the materials used to protect a certain portion or component on the truck.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, , M_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.E, M_EX.P.S.201.T.E, M_EX.P.S.202.T.E, M_EX.P.S.203.T.E, M_EX.P.S.204.T.E, M_EX.P.S.205.T.E, M_EX.P.S.206.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Protection Methods - Static Conductive Components and Protection Against Mechanical Sparks
moduleexplosion-proofs-systems-components200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionaly-yeslive self-driven virtual10-20-minutes
The RICO® EX Program for Field Sales TeamsC_EX.P.G.301.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate field sales teams on how to sell the EX program, identify opportunities, address competitor claims and customer questions to aggressively drive sales growth.

1. Presenter will explain the core methods to sell the RICO program
2. Presenter will explain tried and true methods to find potential opportunities and customers
3. Presenter will provide key selling statements for competitive advantages
4. Presenter will provide key information on how to accurately identify potential solutions and defining specifications to improve quoting process

1. Participants will be able to effectively communicate the selling advantages of the RICO® program and products.
2. Participants will be able to effectively demonstrate the ability to identify potential opportunities and customers that fit RICOs program through increased sales.
3. Participants will be able to effectively communicate the RICO® competitive selling advantages when presented with competitive statements or customer questions.
4. Participants will be able to effectively gather information and specifications or requirements and assist the customer in defining needs in order to facilitate the quoting process.

This course is intended as a presenter-led course.

Designed as an advanced course, participants need to have successfully completed either the modules or courses covering Levels 100 and 200 prior to scheduling this course.

Materials in this course are not included in self-driven modules due to the hands on, advanced content.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, Schedule Trainingcourseexplosion-proofg-general-knowledge300-advancedt-tech2techenglishy-yeso-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
The RICO® HCCT Program for Field Sales TeamsC_HC.P.G.301.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate field sales teams on how to sell the HCCT program, identify opportunities, address competitor claims and customer questions to aggressively drive sales growth.

1. Presenter will explain the core methods to sell the RICO program
2. Presenter will explain tried and true methods to find potential opportunities and customers
3. Presenter will provide key selling statements for competitive advantages
4. Presenter will provide key information on how to accurately identify potential solutions and defining specifications to improve quoting process

1. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the selling advantages of the RICO® program and products
2. Participant will be able to effectively demonstrate the ability to identify potential opportunities and customers that fit RICOs program through increased sales
3. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the RICO® competitive selling advantages when presented with competitive statements or customer questions
4. Participant will be able to effectively gather information and specifications or requirements and assist the customer in defining needs in order to facilitate the quoting process

This course is intended as a presenter-led course.
Designed as an advanced course, participants need to have successfully completed either the modules or courses covering Levels 100 and 200 prior to scheduling this course.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, Schedule Trainingcoursehigh-capacity-counterbalanceg-general-knowledge300-advancedt-tech2techenglishy-yeso-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
The RICO® Die Handling Program for Field Sales TeamsC_DH.P.G.301.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate field sales teams on how to sell the Die Handling program, identify opportunities, address competitor claims and customer questions to aggressively drive sales growth.

1. Presenter will explain the core methods to sell the RICO program
2. Presenter will explain tried and true methods to find potential opportunities and customers
3. Presenter will provide key selling statements for competitive advantages
4. Presenter will provide key information on how to accurately identify potential solutions and defining specifications to improve quoting process

1. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the selling advantages of the RICO® program and products
2. Participant will be able to effectively demonstrate the ability to identify potential opportunities and customers that fit RICOs program through increased sales
3. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the RICO® competitive selling advantages when presented with competitive statements or customer questions
4. Participant will be able to effectively gather information and specifications or requirements and assist the customer in defining needs in order to facilitate the quoting process

This course is intended as a presenter-led course.
Designed as an advanced course, participants need to have successfully completed either the modules or courses covering Levels 100 and 200 prior to scheduling this course.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, Schedule Trainingcoursedie-handlingg-general-knowledge300-advancedt-tech2techenglishy-yeso-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
The RICO® Specialty Program for Field Sales TeamsC_SP.P.G.301.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate field sales teams on how to sell the Specialty program, identify opportunities, address competitor claims and customer questions to aggressively drive sales growth.

1. Presenter will explain the core methods to sell the RICO program
2. Presenter will explain tried and true methods to find potential opportunities and customers
3. Presenter will provide key selling statements for competitive advantages
4. Presenter will provide key information on how to accurately identify potential solutions and defining specifications to improve quoting process

1. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the selling advantages of the RICO® program and products
2. Participant will be able to effectively demonstrate the ability to identify potential opportunities and customers that fit RICOs program through increased sales
3. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the RICO® competitive selling advantages when presented with competitive statements or customer questions
4. Participant will be able to effectively gather information and specifications or requirements and assist the customer in defining needs in order to facilitate the quoting process

This course is intended as a presenter-led course..
Designed as an advanced course, participants need to have successfully completed either the modules or courses covering Levels 100 and 200 prior to scheduling this course.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, Schedule Trainingcoursespecialtyg-general-knowledge300-advancedt-tech2techenglishy-yeso-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
The RICO® EX Complete Program for Field Sales TeamsC_EX.P.C.302.T.E

The purpose of this course is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® EX program : What defines an EX truck, why are these in their own category and what products does RICO offer in the program?
The second half of the program is designed to educate field sales teams on how to sell the program, identify opportunities, address competitor claims and customer questions to aggressively drive sales growth.

1. Presenter will explain the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck.
2. Presenter will review the available RICO® EX products and solutions.
3. Presenter will explain the key features and benefits of each product line in this program.
4. Presenter will review the common industries and applications where the different product lines are used.
5. Presenter will explain the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Presenter will communicate the process to submit a quote for EX products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Presenter will provide an introduction into the RICO® aftermarket supporting programs for the EX line.
8. Presenter will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.
9. Presenter will explain the core methods to sell the RICO program
10. Presenter will explain tried and true methods to find potential opportunities and customers
11. Presenter will provide key selling statements for competitive advantages
12. Presenter will provide key information on how to accurately identify potential solutions and defining specifications to improve quoting process

1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck, rating and classifications and authorities who can rate environments.
2. Participant will be able to communicate the available RICO® EX products and solutions.
3. Participant will be to define the key features and benefits of each product line.
4. Participant will be able to identify the common industries and applications for each product line.
5. Participant will be able to explain to customers the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Participant will be able to submit a quote for EX products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Participant will be able to communicate the RICO® solutions and offerings for the aftermarket and the programs supporting the EX line.
8. Participant will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member, programs and services, as well as online channels to obtain support for the EX line.
9. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the selling advantages of the RICO® program and products
10. Participant will be able to effectively demonstrate the ability to identify potential opportunities and customers that fit RICOs program through increased sales
11. Participant will be able to effectively communicate the RICO® competitive selling advantages when presented with competitive statements or customer questions
12. Participant will be able to effectively gather information and specifications or requirements and assist the customer in defining needs in order to facilitate the quoting process

This course is intended as a presenter-led course.

An in-person, in-depth training for field sales teams on the program and products of the EX line, this course requires a minimum of a half-day and combines the curriculum content for C_EX.P.G.201.T.E and C_EX.P.G.301.T.E courses and may feature hands-on training with a truck.

If this course is taken, the M_EX.P.G.100 series modules are still strongly recommended to be taken as a self-driven study in preparation prior to taking the in-person course.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYes, Schedule Trainingcourseexplosion-proofc-complete300-advancedt-tech2techenglishy-yesn-nolive virtualin-person-half-day
What is EX? Complete Guide to Explosion Proof for Field Sales and Field ServiceW_EX.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on standards and expectations pertaining to the compliancy of RICO EX units. This includes but is not limited to review and presentation of EX ratings and classifications, authorized entities, components, systems and features as well as common failures that lead to loss of compliance.

1. Presenter will review the classes, divisions and groups of hazardous locations and identifies those where RICO trucks are approved for use.
2. Presenter will review the entities RICO uses for standards and guidance when producing or converting a unit for EX use.
3. Presenter will review each of the standards used by RICO to obtain an EX-rating on units RICO builds or converts.
4. Presenter will identify and explain protection methods used to protect operators from dangers certain components pose in hazardous environments.
5. Presenter will identify components critical to the EX nature of the truck.
6. Presenter will identify and explain common failures that could lead to hazardous conditions and remove the truck from EX compliancy.

1. Participants will be able to communicate the standards and guidance required for EX lift trucks to operate in hazardous environments.
2. Participants will be able to identify entities used to obtain standards and guidelines relating to the EX nature of the truck.
3. Participant will be able to correctly identify the third party entity RICO uses to obtain the standards our trucks are built by.
4. Participant will be able to identify AHJ and who the proper AHJ is when determining hazardous locations.
5. Participant will be able to identify the more restrictive of the two divisions EX-rated trucks are allowed to be used in and explain what makes it more restrictive
6. Participants will be able to correctly identify the standard safety features and components, as well as those unique to RICO, required for EX lift trucks operating in hazardous environments.
7. Participants will be able to communicate the RICO solutions and services to ensure compliance of a RICO EX lift truck.
8. Participant will be able to identify the locations where RICO trucks are approved for use.
9. Participants will demonstrate the ability to identify failures that could cause a EX truck to lose it's compliancy as well as understanding how these failures can lead even worse consequences should the failure not be identified or neglected.

This course is developed and presented as a featured RICO scheduled webinar for 2022.
Please see the "CALENDAR" for available training dates and to register for this webinar.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesRegister for Webinarwebinarexplosion-proofg-general-knowledge200-intermediatet-tech2techenglishvirtual1-2-hours
RICO EX Sales Advantage Advanced Training for Field Sales TeamsW_EX.P.G.301.T.E

The purpose of this course is to educate field sales teams on how to sell the program, identify opportunities, address competitor claims and customer questions to aggressively drive sales growth.

1. Presenter will review characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck.
2. Presenter will review available RICO® EX products and solutions including capacities and functions.
3.Presenter will review the common industries and applications for EX trucks, and explain which products are used in which applications
4. Presenter will explain the core methods to sell the RICO program
5. Presenter will explain tried and true methods to find potential opportunities and customers
6. Presenter will provide key selling statements for competitive advantages
7. Presenter will provide an introduction into the additional programs and services of the RICO® EX program.
8. Presenter will review common questions and concerns dealers may receive from customers and how to address these

1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck, rating and classifications and authorities who can rate environments.
2. Participant will be able to identify the common industries and applications for each product line.
3. Participant will be able to explain to customers the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions.
4. Participants will be able to effectively communicate the selling advantages of the RICO® program and products.
5. Participants will be able to effectively demonstrate the ability to identify potential opportunities and customers that fit RICOs program through increased sales.
6. Participants will be able to effectively communicate the RICO® competitive selling advantages when presented with competitive statements or customer questions.
7. Participants will be able to effectively gather information and specifications or requirements and assist the customer in defining needs in order to facilitate the quoting process.

This course is developed and presented as a featured RICO scheduled webinar for 2022.
Please see the "CALENDAR" for available training dates and to register for this webinar.

(P) program/product/segmentYesRegister for Webinar
RICO EX Sales Advantage Advanced Training for Field Sales Teams
RICO EX Advanced Compliance TrainingW_EX.P.S.302.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the advanced standards and inspection procedures pertaining to RICO EX units, this includes visual scrutinization among other checks that must be made to help service and sales personnel stay proactive and transparent about repairs and compliancy.

1. Presenter will review characteristics that define a RICO EX-rated lift truck and its approved systems.
2. Presenter will explain the deeper meaning behind the FM approval and the safety benefits of keeping compliance and what could happen when units are not in compliance.
3. Presenter will explain the procedure of performing a 52 point inspection and walk through the inspection while showing examples of failures.

1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics of a RICO EX truck and how its systems are used to maintain a safe environment.
2. Participants will be able to explain the importance of keeping the units they service in compliance and what that means for safety
3. Participants will be able to perform a 52 point inspection on a RICO EX truck and note any flaws that would require further attention.

This course is developed and presented as a featured RICO scheduled webinar for 2022. Please see the "CALENDAR" for available training dates and to register for this webinar.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesRegister for Webinar
RICO EX Advanced Compliance Training
EX Advanced Systems for Field Service TeamsW_EX.P.S.303.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the standards and expectations related to compliancy of RICO EX units. This includes but is not limited to reviews of components, assemblies, maintenance procedures, etc.

1. Review standards related to obtaining EX approval as well as how approval is obtained from an NRTL.
2. Review protection methods used to protect the hazardous environment from components and equipment that could potentially ignite it.
3. Review components considered critical to the EX-nature of the truck and their importance.
4. Review failures that could lead to hazardous conditions and remove the unit from EX Compliancy as well as lead to potentially catastrophic failures.

1. Participant will be able to relay standards and expectations that must be met before obtain EX approval and to maintain EX compliancy.
2. Participant will be able to identify protection methods and explain why they are needed and how they protect against hazardous environments.
3. Participant will be able to identify components critical to the EX-nature of the truck as well as describe what makes any certain component critical to the EX-rating.
4. Ability to identify failures that could cause an EX-unit to lose its compliancy as well as demonstrating the knowledge to work on EX-critical components in a safe manner.

This course is developed and presented as a featured RICO scheduled webinar for 2022. Please see the "CALENDAR" for available training dates and to register for this webinar.

(P) program/product/segmentYesNoRegister for Webinar
EX Advanced Systems for Field Service Teams
Advanced Explosion Proof Micro Topic Webinar SeriesW_EX.P.G.304.T.E

This course offering is designed as a series of micro-topics important to the Explosion Proof material handling market and RICO solutions.

Key Goals delivered by the presenter will be defined specific to each topic. Please see the calendar of events to see the different topics offered.

Key Objectives for participants will be defined specific to each topic. Please see the calendar of events to see the different topics offered.

This course is developed and presented as a featured RICO scheduled webinar for 2022.
Please see the "CALENDAR" for available training dates and to register for this webinar.

(P) program/product/segmentYesNoRegister for Webinar
Advanced Explosion Proof Micro Topic Webinar Series
Introduction to the RICO® Specialty ProgramC_SP.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® Specialty program : What defines a Specialty truck, why are these in their own category, and what solutions does RICO offer in the program?

"1. Presenter will explain the characteristics that define the lift trucks in the Specialty program.
2. Presenter will review the available RICO® products and solutions in this program.
3. Presenter will explain the key features and benefits of each product line in this program.
4. Presenter will review the common industries and applications where the different product lines are used.
5. Presenter will explain the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Presenter will communicate the process to submit a quote for Specialty products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Presenter will provide an introduction into the RICO® aftermarket supporting programs for the program.
8. Presenter will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources."

"1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics that define an Specialty lift truck.
2. Participant will be able to communicate the available RICO® Specialty products and solutions.
3. Participant will be to define the key features and benefits of each product line.
4. Participant will be able to identify the common industries and applications for each product line.
5. Participant will be able to explain to customers the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Participant will be able to submit a quote for Specialty products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Participant will be able to communicate the RICO® solutions and offerings for the aftermarket and the programs supporting the Specialty line.
8. Participant will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member, programs and services, as well as online channels to obtain support for the Specialty line."

This course is intended as a presenter-led course and covers curriculum content for the complete SP.P.G.100 series and SP.P.G.200 module series. If this course is taken, the modules are not required.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes, Schedule Trainingcoursespecialtyg-general-knowledge200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionalo-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
The RICO® Value PropositionM_CO.P.G.102.R.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the value propositions of a partnership with RICO®.

1. Module will identify the core strengths of the RICO® organization.
2. Module will review the key value propositions for dealers in a partnership with RICO®.
3. Module will review the key value propositions RICO® provides to customers and manufacturers.

1. Participants will be able to communicate the core strengths of RICO® to customers.
2. Participants will be able to communicate the key value propositions of a partnership RICO® with dealer sales and service teams.
3. Participants will be able to communicate the key value propositions of RICO® that benefit customers.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.ERequest Course
The RICO®  Value Proposition
What are the RICO® Aftermarket ProgramsM_AM.P.G.101.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® Aftermarket programs.

1. Module will review the available RICO® aftermarket programs.
2. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain and identify the RICO® services included in the Aftermarket programs.
2. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member to contact with questions regarding the Aftermarket programs.
3. Participants will be able to identify and navigate to the various channels RICO has available with aftermarket services and support.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
What are the RICO® Aftermarket Programs
What is the RICO® Tech2Tech ProgramM_AM.P.G.102.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® Tech2Tech service program.

1. Module will explain the features and benefits that define the RICO® Tech2Tech service program.
2. Module will review the RICO® currently available Tech2Tech services and solutions.
3. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain the services and solutions included in the RICO® Tech2Tech service program.
2. Participants will be able to communicate the benefits for participation in the Tech2Tech program.
3. Participants will be able to identify and navigate to the various channels RICO has available with Tech2TEch services and support.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_AM.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
What is the RICO® Tech2Tech Program
RICO® Rebuild ProgramM_AM.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the features, benefits and services of the RICO® Rebuild Program.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits and details of this program.
2. Module will explain the different types of evaluations conducted.
3. Module will communicate the process to a request for evaluation.

1. Participants will be able to explain the key features and benefits of this program to a customer.
2. Participant will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the different evaluations available, the systems and components and repairs offered in each.
3. Participant will be able to demonstrate the ability to coomplete a request for evaluation.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module and content is not included in offered courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_AM.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Rebuild Program
RICO® Buy-Back and Pre-Owned ProgramM_AM.P.G.203.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the features, benefits and services of the RICO® Buy-Back and Pre-Owned Programs.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits and details of the RICO® manufacturer pre-owned vehicle program.
2. Module will explain the different types of modifications offered in RICO® manufacturer pre-owned vehicle program.
3. Module will review the RICO® Direct Buy-Back and Trade-In programs
4. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to satisfactorily explain the key features and benefits of the RICO® manufacturer pre-owned vehicle program.
2. Participants will be able to satisfactorily explain the key features and benefits of the RICO® Direct Buy-Back and Trade-In programs
3. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO® team or team member to contact with questions regarding these programs.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module and content is not included in offered courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E , M_CO.P.G.102.R.E , M_AM.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Buy-Back and Pre-Owned Program
What is the RICO® Die Handling ProgramM_DH.P.G.101.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® Die Handling program : What defines a Die Handling truck and why are these in their own category?

1. Module will explain the characteristics that define Die Handling program lift truck.
2. Module will review the available RICO® Die Handling products and solutions.
3. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain and identify the characteristics that define a Die Handling program lift truck.
2. Particpants will be able to explain the RICO® solutions included in the Die Handling program.
3. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member to contact with questions regarding the Die Handling program.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_DH.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E , M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
What is the RICO® Die Handling Program
What is the RICO® Explosion Proof ProgramM_EX.P.G.101.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® EX program : What defines an EX truck and why are these in their own category?

1. Module will explain the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck.
2. Module will review the available RICO® EX products and solutions.
3. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain and identify the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck.
2. Particpants will be able to explain the RICO® solutions included in the EX program.
3. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member to contact with questions regarding the EX program.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E , M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
What is the RICO® Explosion Proof Program
What is the RICO® EX Rental ProgramM_EX.P.G.102.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® EX Rental program.

1. Module will explain the features and benefits that define the RICO® EX rental program.
2. Module will review the RICO® currently available EX products and solutions.
3. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain and identify the RICO® rental program.
2. Participants will be able to explain and identify the RICO® standard inventoried and stock EX rental units.
3. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member to contact with questions regarding the rental program.
4. Participants will be able to identify and navigate to the various channels RICO has available to support the rental program.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E , M_CO.P.G.102.R.E , M_EX.P.G.101.T.E , M_EX.P.S.101.T.ERequest Course
What is the RICO® EX Rental Program
What is the RICO® High Capacity Counterbalance ProgramM_HC.P.G.101.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® HCCT program : What defines a High Capacity Counterbalance truck and why are these in their own category?

1. Module will explain the characteristics that define a High Capacity Counterbalance lift truck.
2. Module will review the available RICO® HCCT products and solutions.
3. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain and identify the characteristics that define a High Capacity Counterbalance lift truck.
2. Particpants will be able to explain the RICO® solutions included in the HCCT program.
3. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member to contact with questions regarding the HCCT program.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_HC.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E , M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
What is the RICO® High Capacity Counterbalance Program
What is the RICO® Specialty ProgramM_SP.P.G.101.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® Specialty program : What defines a Specialty truck and why are these in their own category?

1. Module will explain the characteristics that define specialty lift trucks.
2. Module will review the available RICO® Specialty lines of products and solutions.
3. Module will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources.

1. Participants will be able to explain and identify the characteristics that define a Specialty
2. Participants will be able to explain the RICO® solutions included in the Specialty program.
3. Participants will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member to contact with questions regarding the Specialty program.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_SP.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E , M_CO.P.G.102.R.ERequest Course
What is the RICO® Specialty Program
RICO® EX Compliance Inspection ProgramM_AM.P.G.202.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the features, benefits and services of the RICO® EX Compliance Inspections and Repair Program.

"1. Module will explain the OSHA requirements for compliance
2. Module will explain the benefits of the RICO® program.
3. Module will review the recommended intervals for compliance evaluation.
4. Module will explain the details of the program.
5. Module will communicate the process to request a compliance inspection and/or repair."

"1. Participants will be able to satisfactorily explain the OSHA requirements for compliance
2. Participants will be able to explain the benefits of the RICO® program to customers.
3. Participants will have an understanding and be able to communicate the recommended intervals of compliance evaluations.
4. Participants will be able to explain the different types of evaluations, key systems and components evaluated in each, and the authorized evaluators.
5. Participants will be able to demonstrate the ability to submit a request for a compliance inspection."

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module and content is not included in offered courses.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_AM.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® EX Compliance Inspection Program
Introduction to the RICO® EX ProgramC_EX.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® EX program : What defines an EX truck, why are these in their own category and what products does RICO offer in the program?

"1. Presenter will explain the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck.
2. Presenter will review the available RICO® EX products and solutions.
3. Presenter will explain the key features and benefits of each product line in this program.
4. Presenter will review the common industries and applications where the different product lines are used.
5. Presenter will explain the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Presenter will communicate the process to submit a quote for EX products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Presenter will provide an introduction into the RICO® aftermarket supporting programs for the EX line.
8. Presenter will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources."

"1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics that define an EX-rated lift truck, rating and classifications and authorities who can rate environments.
2. Participant will be able to communicate the available RICO® EX products and solutions.
3. Participant will be to define the key features and benefits of each product line.
4. Participant will be able to identify the common industries and applications for each product line.
5. Participant will be able to explain to customers the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Participant will be able to submit a quote for EX products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Participant will be able to communicate the RICO® solutions and offerings for the aftermarket and the programs supporting the EX line.
8. Participant will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member, programs and services, as well as online channels to obtain support for the EX line."

This course is intended as a presenter-led course and covers curriculum content for the complete EX.P.G.100 series and EX.P.G.200 series modules. If this course is taken, the modules are not required.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes, Schedule Trainingcourseexplosion-proofg-general-knowledge200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionalo-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
Introduction to the RICO® HCCT ProgramC_HC.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® High Capacity Counterbalance program : What defines an HCCT truck, why are these in their own category and what products does RICO offer in the program?

"1. Presenter will explain the characteristics that define the lift trucks in the HCCT program.
2. Presenter will review the available RICO® products and solutions in this program.
3. Presenter will explain the key features and benefits of each product line in this program.
4. Presenter will review the common industries and applications where the different product lines are used.
5. Presenter will explain the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Presenter will communicate the process to submit a quote for HCCT products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Presenter will provide an introduction into the RICO® aftermarket supporting programs for the program.
8. Presenter will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources."

"1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics that define an HCCT lift truck.
2. Participant will be able to communicate the available RICO® HCCT products and solutions.
3. Participant will be to define the key features and benefits of each product line.
4. Participant will be able to identify the common industries and applications for each product line.
5. Participant will be able to explain to customers the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Participant will be able to submit a quote for HCCT products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Participant will be able to communicate the RICO® solutions and offerings for the aftermarket and the programs supporting the HCCT line.
8. Participant will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member, programs and services, as well as online channels to obtain support for the HCCT line."

This course is intended as a presenter-led course and covers curriculum content for the complete HC.P.G.100 series and HC.P.G.200 module series. If this course is taken, the modules are not required.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes, Schedule Trainingcoursehigh-capacity-counterbalanceg-general-knowledge200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionalo-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
Introduction to the RICO® Die Handling ProgramC_DH.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the characteristics and classifications of the RICO® Die Handling and QDC program : What defines an Die Handling truck, why are these in their own category and what solutions does RICO offer in the program?

"1. Presenter will explain the characteristics that define the lift trucks in the DIe Handling program.
2. Presenter will review the available RICO® products and solutions in this program.
3. Presenter will explain the key features and benefits of each product line in this program.
4. Presenter will review the common industries and applications where the different product lines are used.
5. Presenter will explain the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Presenter will communicate the process to submit a quote for Die Handling/QDC products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Presenter will provide an introduction into the RICO® aftermarket supporting programs for the program.
8. Presenter will identify and provide the RICO® supporting team and services that are resources."

"1. Participant will be able to explain the characteristics that define an Die Handling lift truck.
2. Participant will be able to communicate the available RICO® Die Handling products and solutions.
3. Participant will be to define the key features and benefits of each product line.
4. Participant will be able to identify the common industries and applications for each product line.
5. Participant will be able to explain to customers the RICO® unique solutions in each product line, including capacities and functions
6. Participant will be able to submit a quote for Die Handling products, including specific questions and/or criteria that may be needed for this program.
7. Participant will be able to communicate the RICO® solutions and offerings for the aftermarket and the programs supporting the Die Handling line.
8. Participant will be able to identify the correct RICO team or team member, programs and services, as well as online channels to obtain support for the Die Handling line."

This course is intended as a presenter-led course and covers curriculum content for the complete DH.P.G.100 series and DH.P.G.200 module series. If this course is taken, the modules are not required.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes, Schedule Trainingcoursedie-handlingg-general-knowledge200-intermediatet-tech2techenglisho-optionalo-optionallive virtual1-2-hours
Welcome to RICO®M_CO.P.G.101.R.E

The purpose of this training is to provide participants with general information about the RICO® organization.

1. Module will review the history, mission statement and core values of RICO®
2. Module will identify the key executives and account management team of RICO®.
3. Module will identify and explain the key business divisions of RICO®.
4. Module will provide an overview of the RICO® campus and company location.

1. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of RICO®.
2. Participants will identify the key executives and account management team of RICO®.

This course is only offered as a stand-alone module. Abbreviated content may be included in course offerings, or may be requested for customer-requested custom training courses.

(P) program/product/segmentNoYes Request Course
Welcome to RICO®
RICO® Quick Die Change SolutionsM_DH.P.G.102.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Quick Die Change Solutions.

"1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria"

"1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote"

"This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_DH.P.G.201 course instead for their team."

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_DH.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Quick Die Change Solutions
UL583 Standard MarkingsM_EX.P.S.102.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the Standard markings required for all EX-rated lift trucks according to UL583 to maintain OSHA compliance.

1. Module will review the accountable and responsible partners for maintaining OSHA compliance
2. Module will review the Standard Markings defined by UL583
3. Module will review the placement of markings on RICO EX-rated vehicles
4. Module will communicate the best-practices for inspections to identify issues that may result in loss of compliance
6. Module will review examples of what would cause a vehicle to lose compliance due to standard markings
5. Module will communicate requirements to reestablish compliance if a vehicle has fallen out of compliance during operation

1. Presenter will demonstrate an understanding of the accountable and responsible partners for maintaining OSHA compliance
2. Presenter will be able to list and identify the Standard Markings defined by UL583
3. Presenter will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the placement of markings on RICO EX-rated vehicles
4. Presenter will be able to demonstrate the best-practices for inspections to identify issues that may result in loss of compliance
5. Presenter will be able to identify and explain what may cause a truck to fall out of compliance
6. Presenter will be able to communicate the requirements to reestablish compliance for required markings

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.ERequest Course
UL583 Standard Markings
RICO® 4-Directional Die HandlersM_DH.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® 4-Directional Die Handlers.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_DH.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_DH.P.G.101.T.E, M_DH.P.G.102.T.ERequest Course
RICO®  4-Directional Die Handlers
RICO® 2-Tier Die HandlersM_DH.P.G.202.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® 2-Tier Die Handlers.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_DH.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_DH.P.G.101.T.E, M_DH.P.G.102.T.ERequest Course
RICO® 2-Tier Die Handlers
RICO® Stand-Up Rider Die HandlersM_DH.P.G.203.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Stand-Up Rider Die Handlers.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_DH.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_DH.P.G.101.T.E, M_DH.P.G.102.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Stand-Up Rider Die Handlers
RICO® Walk Behind Die HandlersM_DH.P.G.204.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® Walk Behind Die Handlers.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_DH.P.G.201 course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_DH.P.G.101.T.E, M_DH.P.G.102.T.ERequest Course
RICO® Walk Behind Die Handlers
RICO® EX Counterbalance TrucksM_EX.P.G.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® EX Counterbalance trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® EX Counterbalance Trucks
RICO® EX Pallet TrucksM_EX.P.G.202.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® EX Pallet trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® EX Pallet Trucks
RICO® EX Reach & Straddle TrucksM_EX.P.G.204.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the RICO® EX Reach & Straddle trucks.

1. Module will explain the key features and benefits of this product line.
2. Module will review the common industries and applications where these trucks are used.
3. Module will explain the RICO® unique solutions in this product line, including capacities and functions
4. Module will communicate the process to submit a quote for this product, including specific questions and/or criteria

1. Participants will be able to communicate the key features and benefits to customers of this product line.
2. Participants will be able to identify the common industries and applications these trucks are used in.
3. Participants will be able to explain the objectives and uses of these trucks.
4. Participants will be able to communicate to customers the RICO® unique solutions in this product line including specific capacities and functions
5. Participants will be able to explain to customers how to purchase these trucks, and will be able to identify the RICO® team and resources to request a quote

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.ERequest Course
RICO® EX Reach & Straddle Trucks
Classifications of Hazardous EnvironmentsM_EX.P.S.101.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the classifications of hazardous environments.

1. Module will provide an overview of the classifications of hazardous environments.
2. Module will identify the authorized parties responsible for rating hazardous environments.

1. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the classifications for hazardous environments.
2. Participants will be able to correctly identify the group, division and class
3. Participants will be able to communicate the authorities responsible for rating environments.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.ERequest Course
Classifications of Hazardous Environments
Standard EX Compliance ComponentsM_EX.P.S.103.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the standard components on an Explosion Proof lift truck that are required for OSHA compliance to operate in these environments.

1. Module will identify the required components of an Explosion Proof truck to be approved, and maintain compliance for, operation in hazardous environments.
2. Module will review the damage or wear conditions of these components that may result in non-compliance.
3. Module will identify the RICO team and solutions available to support compliance inspections and repairs of RICO EX lift trucks.

1. Participants will be able to correctly identify the required components for an EX truck to operate in a hazardous environment.
2. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the common damage or wear to these components that may result in a truck losing compliance.
3. Participants will be able to communicate the RICO solutions and services to ensure compliance of a RICO EX lift truck.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.ERequest Course
Standard EX Compliance Components
Standard Safety Features of a RICO® EX TruckM_EX.P.S.104.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the standard safety features and components on a RICO Explosion Proof lift truck.

1. Module will identify the standard safety features and components of RICO Explosion Proof trucks.
2. Module will review the damage or wear conditions of these components that may require a compliance inspection or repair to ensure the safe operation of a RICO EX lift truck.
3. Module will identify the RICO team and solutions available to support compliance inspections and repairs of RICO EX lift trucks.

1. Participants will be able to correctly identify the standard safety features and components on RICO EX lift trucks operating in hazardous environments.
2. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the common damage or wear to these components.
3. Participants will be able to communicate the RICO solutions and services to ensure compliance of a RICO EX lift truck.

This course is intended as a self-driven module that can be completed in 10-20 minutes.
If a presenter-led teaching method is preferred, participants may elect to schedule the C_EX.P.G.201.T.E course instead for their team.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.ERequest Course
Standard Safety Features of a RICO® EX Truck
What Makes it EX? – Ratings, Standards, and Hazardous Location ClassifactionsM_EX.P.S.201.T.E

The purpose of this training is to educate participants on the ratings and standards RICO EX trucks are built to as well as understand the hazardous classifications of different environments RICO trucks operate in.

1. Module will review the classes, divisions and groups of hazardous locations and identifies those where RICO trucks are approved for use.
2. Module presents the entities RICO uses for standards and guidance when producing or converting a unit for EX use.
3. Module provides the generalized description of each of the standards used by RICO to obtain an EX-rating on units RICO builds or converts.

1. Participant will be able to correctly identify entities RICO uses to obtain the standards our trucks are built by.
2. Participant will be able to identify the need for each entity's standards when building an EX-truck or conversion.
3. Participant will be able to identify AHJ and who the proper AHJ is when determining hazardous locations.
4. Participant will be able to identify the more restrictive of the two divisions EX-rated trucks are allowed to be used in and explain what makes it more restrictive
5. Participant will be able to identify the locations where RICO trucks are approved for use.

This module must be completed before taking any 300 level modules on EX trucks built or modified by RICO.

(P) program/product/segmentYesYesM_CO.P.G.101.R.E, M_CO.P.G.102.R.E, M_EX.P.G.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.101.T.E, M_EX.P.S.102.T.E, M_EX.P.S.103.T.E, M_EX.P.S.104.T.ERequest Course
What Makes it EX? - Ratings, Standards, and Hazardous Location Classifactions
  • Year End Promotion
  • Explosion Proof Rental Program
  • Specialty Rebuild Program
  • Pegasus Electric
  • EX Recertification
  • EX Recertification
  • EX Recertification
  • EX Rental HSD-EX-AC-60
  • EX Rental HSD-EX-AC-30.40
  • EX DSD Sales Promotion
  • EX Rental HSD-EX-AX-80.100

What's Coming Next

RICO Manufacturing continues to be your go-to experts for specialty material handling equipment. Let us alert you when new content is available!

  • Frequently Asked Questions in EX Applications
  • 2023 EX Dealer Training Catalog
  • New repair kits for EX Counterbalanced Trucks
  • New model brochures for EX Reach & Straddle Trucks
  • 2023 Winter EX Sales Promotion

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